


2025-02-10 389



您需要先申请XX大学的博士学位,才能被考虑提名。学术部门必须在截止日期(通常为 3 月)之前收到支持申请的所有必要文件,否则不会进行提名。在这一阶段,申请并不需要获得有条件录取。



请在博士申请表上明确注明,您希望申请 “XX大学 CSC Scholarship” 资助。

申请截止日期:2025 年 1 月xx日


一旦在第一步您获得学生 ID,您就可以提交CSC申请(请勿在未获得学生 ID 之前提交申请)。

申请时,请填写 CSC 申请表(54.7KB,DOCX),并将其与学术简历(CV)和一份 500 单词的研究计划书(概述您的研究计划)一起发送至表格上的指定地址。

申请截止日期:2025 年 1 月xx日



学校在申请截止日期之后通过电子邮件通知申请人申请结果以及是否获得 CSC 提名。

学校还会将结果通知 中国国家留学基金委员会(CSC)。

获提名的申请人应在 CSC 规定的截止日期前向 CSC 提交申请。



Nomination Letter for the China Scholarship Council - University of XX Joint PhD Scholarship

University of XX application reference number:xxx

We are delighted to inform you that you are a successful candidate for a Joint PhD Scholarship under the China Scholarship Council-University of XX PhD Scholarship scheme.

This letter serves as the official notice that you have been nominated. You should now use this letter to apply to the China Scholarship Council (CSC) to complete the scholarship application.

The next step for you is to apply as an individual to the CSC. The instructions for this stage are below, as received from the CSC:

The CSC online application system for our joint scholarship will be open between 00:00 Feb 17 and 00:00 Feb 27, both at Beijing Time. Candidates can only submit their applications during this time, and no early or late applications would be considered.

All candidates submit their application to CSC following the guidance note published on the CSC website: xxxxx

Please pay attention to the instructions for submission of the hard copy of your application documents, as outlined in the section 4 of the guidelines in the link above.

Your application to Bristol was reviewed by academic experts in the University and your nomination was approved by a University panel chaired by our Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research. We received many excellent applications this year, but your application stood out and we are very pleased to take this next step with you.

Accompanying this letter is the official offer letter from the academic faculty in which your proposed PhD would be carried out. You will need this offer letter in your application to the CSC.

If you have any questions, please do contact xxx

Yours faithfully,