


2023-02-25 3243






1. Education and work experience

xxxx, received PhD from xxxxx University and then stayed as xxxxx

xxxx-xxxx, associate professor , xxxxx University

xxxx,  Professor , xxxxx University

xxxx-xxxx, Visiting Professor,xxxxx University

2. Main areas of research

(100 characters)

3. Publications in the past five years

According to the Google Scholar, by xx xxxx, H-index xxxxx, I10-index xxxxx,, the total citation frequency is xxxxx;In recent 5 years,the citation frequncy is xxx.

Journal articles: In recent 5 years, a total of xxx papers were published, all of which were SSCI high-quality papers, and all on the core journals in the field of xxxxxx. Key journal articles are as following:

Journal Articles:

Between 20xx and 20xx, a total of xx journal articles were published, all of which are high-quality SSCI/SCI papers. These were published in xx different journals, each a leading publication in its field. For instance:

Published “xx” (translated title of the journal article) in “xx” (name of the academic journal).


In xx year, published a book titled “xx” (translated title of the book).

Book Chapters:

Contributed the chapter “xx” (translated title of the chapter) in the book “xx” (translated title of the book).

4. Research projects

 20xx, project name, Role,  papers published, etc

Currently hosting the following xx research projects:

(Translation of the research project name in Chinese)

Completed significant research projects:

Xx (Translation of the research project name in Chinese), additional information can be added after each project, such as: xx-xx, a total of xx related journal articles published.

5.Main honors and awards

20xx, name of the prize

6. International coorperation

The research group places great emphasis on international cooperation, often inviting foreign professors to participate in research group meetings.

Currently, the group has x Chinese students,

To date, approximately x students in the group have successfully obtained their PhD degrees with CSC scholarships.

Supervisor Personal:

Currently, Professor xx personally maintains close cooperation with professors in related fields at xx University, xx University, xx University, and xx College.

The professor is very keen to establish academic cooperation with Chinese scholars to conduct comparative cultural studies and explore the differences of xx under the context of Eastern and Western cultural backgrounds.