Dr. = Doktor = Doctor of Philosophy博士
Dr.-Ing. = Doktor der Ingenieurwissenschaften = Doctor of Engineering工学博士
Dr. rer. nat. = Doctor rerum naturalium = Doctor of the things of nature理学博士
Dr. phil. = Doctor of Philosophy 哲学博士(含文史)
Dr. iur. = Doctor iuris = Doctor of Law 法学博士
Dr. rer. pol. = Doctor rerum politicarum = Doctor of Political Science 政治学博士
Dr. oec. pub. = Doctor œconomiae publicae = Doctor of Public Economics 工商管理博士(Betriebswirtschaftslehre)/经济学博士(Volkswirtschaftslehre)
Dr. sc. nat. = Doktor der Naturwissenschaften = Doctor of Natural Sciences自然科学博士
Dr. rer. soc. = Doctor rerum socialium/Doktor der Sozialwissenschaften = Doctor of Social Sciences社会科学博士
Dr. rer. medic.: Doctor rerum medicarum = Doctor of Medical Sciences 医学博士
Dr. med. = Doctor medicinae = Doctor of Medicine 医学博士(MD)
Dr. theol. = Doctor theologiae = Doctor of Theology神学博士
Dr. paed. = Doktor der Pädagogik = Doctor of Pedagogy 教育学博士
Dr. rer. physiol. = Doctor rerum physiologicarum = Doctor of Biomedicine and/or Human Biology 生物医学和/或人体生物学博士
Dr. rer. biol. hum. = rerum biologiae humanae = Doctor of Human Biology 人体生物学博士
Dr. h. c. = Doctor honoris causa = Honorary Doctor 名誉博士;
Dr. -Ing. E. h. = Ehrenhalber名誉工学博士
Dr. habil. = Doctor habilitatus =habilitation/professorial qualification特许任教资格
qualification = Prof. = Professor教授