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Canberra Hospital" vision, and these values developed by ACT Health staff, represent what we believe is important and worthwhile. The values underpin the way they work and how they treat others.

They aim to deliver the best service to meet the needs of our community.

A comprehensive range of services is delivered from the Canberra Hospital campus, including acute inpatient and day services, outpatient services and pathology services.

Community-based services are provided from various venues across the ACT, as well as in people’s homes.

Overall investment in health by the ACT Government today stands at $1.3 billion annually.

ACT Health partners with the community and consumers for better health outcomes by:

delivering patient- and family-centred care

strengthening partnerships

promoting good health and wellbeing

improving access to appropriate health care, and

having robust safety and quality systems

They aim for sustainability and improved efficiency in the use of resources, by designing sustainable services to deliver outcomes efficiently, and embedding a culture of research and innovation.

ACT Health aims to support  people and strengthen teams, by helping staff to reach their potential, promoting a learning culture and providing high-level leadership.

ACT Health works closely with other ACT Government agencies such as the ACT Governments Community Services Directorate, Justice and Community Safety Directorate, Chief Minister and Treasury Directorate, and emergency services providers such as the ACT Ambulance Service and the Australian Federal Police.

Formalised consultative arrangements exist with a range of agencies, such as the Health Care Consumers Association(ACT), Capital Health Network and mental health, alcohol and drug, and other community service providers.

The tertiary and training sectors remain key partners in the planning, development and delivery of healthcare services. Partnership arrangements with the Australian National University Medical School, University of Canberra, Australian Catholic University and Canberra Institute of Technology are well established and serve to assure the future supply of skilled health professionals.