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We are united by a compelling mission: We provide hope, care and cures to help every child live the healthiest and most fulfilling life possible.

Together, we deliver superior patient care, advance new discoveries and treatments through pediatric research and serve as the pediatric and adolescent academic medical center for Washington, Alaska, Montana and Idaho – the largest region of any children’s hospital in the country. In 2016, U.S. News & World Report ranked Seattle Children’s No. 1 west of the Rocky Mountains – and No. 5 in the country overall – again placing us among the nation’s top children’s hospitals.

These three simple words capture what we are here to do. That’s because at Seattle Children’s, compassionate care, breakthrough research and generous donors come together every day for children who need us.

or more than 100 years, Seattle Children’s Hospital has specialized in meeting the unique physical, emotional and developmental needs of children from infancy through young adulthood.

Through the collaboration of physicians in nearly 60 pediatric subspecialties, we provide inpatient, outpatient, diagnostic, surgical, rehabilitative, behavioral, emergency and outreach services – regardless of a family’s ability to pay.

At the forefront of pediatric medical research, Seattle Children’s Research Institute is working to cure childhood disease in partnership with Seattle Children’s Hospital and Seattle Children’s Hospital and Research Foundation. The institute consists of nine major centers, and is internationally recognized for its work in cancer, genetics, immunology, pathology, infectious disease, injury prevention and bioethics.

西雅图儿童医院(Seattle Children’s Hospital)位于华盛顿州西雅图,其前身是Anna Herr Clise于1907年1月创办的儿童骨科医院。西雅图儿童医院是华盛顿大学医学院儿科学系的附属医院,华盛顿大学医学院儿科学系被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为美国十佳儿科项目。作为一所最好的儿童医疗保健和儿科中心,西雅图儿童医院是公认的领先全美的儿童医院之一。西雅图儿童由西雅图儿童医院、西雅图儿童研究所和西雅图儿童医院基金会组成。作为全美排名前五的儿科研究中心之一,西雅图儿童研究所致力于通过取得突破性发现来预防、治疗和消除儿童疾病。该研究所在癌症、遗传学、免疫学、病理学、传染病、损伤预防和生物伦理学等领域取得的成就得到了国际认可。